New Affordable Flat-Rate Website Plans

What is the first thing you think of when pondering about getting a new website? More than likely you are thinking about how much it will cost. This is the very question I get every time a new project inquiry comes in; “How much will it cost?”
There are many different size projects. For the really big ones, it is not easy to estimate how much they will cost, especially if they are estimated to be very complex. Think of it like a movie production, the producers don’t know how much filming will be before doing any kind of research for an accurate estimation.
Luckily, not all websites are alike. Some are big, some small, but not all are massive complex machines. Most small to medium-sized business websites are pretty standard and can be built without any issues.
If you are new to the world of websites, or even if you have some experience, dropping $7,000 to $15,000 (average pricing for experienced web designers) for a website is pretty stressful. Prices like these would make anyone a bit hesitant to bite. Because of this, a lot of new businesses go straight to DIY platforms like Wix and Squarespace.
Don’t get me wrong, those platforms are ok and will save your bank account some cash, however, they do require a good amount of time to learn their system and to put something decent up. Also, if you don’t really know what you are doing, you could make some pretty serious mistakes along the way, which can have some negative effects on your business down the road, costing you money to fix.
This is why I am pleased to introduce the Castle website plans starting as little as $195 per month!
Well, to make it simple, our website plans are an affordable alternative to the old traditional way of website design. The Castle website plans allow you to pay a small flat rate to get a professional, performance-first website for your business.
Unlike the traditional method, your website plan covers everything from design, hosting, security, maintenance, and ongoing updates, all for 1 low monthly price.
What else your website plan does differently is that there is no large upfront fee. Everything is included in a month-to-month package, completely removing the requirement of a multi-thousand-dollar payment to get things started.
Here are some quick points about the Castle website plans;
With our plans, your new website can be ready to rock in about 30 days, opening up the gates for your ROI to start. Plus, since your plan has unlimited content updates, you can grow and adapt as time goes by, making sure your website never goes stale.
Websites are expensive when you want something custom. One of the biggest problems with traditional methods is the upfront cost. It can get crazy high depending on the complexity of your project.
Another big problem is you may not see a return on investment for quite a while. That is not too good when you have a heavy investment.
So let’s see some details on these 2 issues;
Websites can have many different costs. The average is about $5k to $10K. Even more realistically, I’d have to say $1,500 to about $40k. No matter the price, you would be responsible for at least 50% upfront, many times 100%. That is a lot of money to put down on something that still hasn’t even been started.
A lot of people and businesses underestimate the true cost of a professionally designed website. They are surprised when they find out how expensive it can be. This is just the added costs to other things like paying staff, property, licensing, equipment etc. It adds up quickly.
Another thing you have to realize is that, unlike physical properties, and equipment, websites have no value if a business fails. A website has value when the business is successful. So putting upfront costs that can range in the multi-thousands is a risk.
Every business owner has a plan to be successful. But in reality, no one knows the future, and businesses change and grow, a lot of the time within the first year of their life. Even established businesses can fail, so it is important to plan a website carefully.
Knowing that any type of change can occur, it doesn’t make real sense to plan an expensive website for a new business. Even established businesses need to plan redesigns carefully so as to not go into the red. Predicting the future as we know is impossible, so your early decisions are more important than ever as they can be expensive mistakes later on. If mistakes are made, you may end up going back to a web developer and spending a ton of cash to get things fixed. And just think, no ROI at that point still….
Right off the top, a website plan immediately eliminates risk and ensures the long-term goals and success of your business. If you want to see what the best advantages are, take a look at my article “5 Best Benefits of a Website Subscription Plan over Traditional Methods”
I hope this was helpful in showing you what a website plan is and if you would benefit from one. If you have questions or are interested in one of our plans, please contact us so we can schedule a call!
Also, be sure to take a look at our available plans. If you see one that fits your needs, let us know so we can get started!