Castle Web News

Castle Web Privacy Policy

The Crucial Role and Legal Mandates of a Privacy Policy

In an era where digital interactions dominate our daily lives, the importance of safeguarding personal information cannot be overstated. Whether you run a small blog …
Web Design vs. Web Development What’s the Difference

Web Design vs Web Development. What’s the Difference?

There are a lot of misconceptions about the topic of web design vs web development. What is the difference? Are they different? Let’s find out. …

What is Website Performance and How Important Is It?

Website performance wasn’t always a major factor in the web design industry. Previously, it was all about visual appeal, cluttered designs that many thought looked …

New Affordable Flat-Rate Website Plans

What is the first thing you think of when pondering about getting a new website? More than likely you are thinking about how much it …
5 Best Benefits of a Website Subscription Plan over Traditional Methods

5 Best Benefits of a Website Subscription Plan over Traditional Methods

Since the beginning of the web design industry, the process has always been the same. You request a quote from a developer, you pay a …

What Makes a Good Website?

While the internet has existed for a long time, most people have never purchased a website and do not know what to look for.To find …

Why Reputation Management For Business Is Important

The importance of reputation management In today’s day and age, your reputation is everything. You can’t do anything it seems without someone taking notice of …

How Much Does It Really Cost To Maintain a Website?

One of the big questions in the website design industry is, how much does it cost to maintain the site? A lot of people think …

Google officially launches Mobile-First search indexing. What does this mean for those who have a website?

Google has started to roll out it’s mobile-first indexing algorithm and it could play havoc with your search ranking. This new setup was first teased …

What is SEO and why is it important?

Let’s face it, if you are a business owner, you may have no clue on what SEO really means and how it can help propel …