What is SEO and why is it important?

Let’s face it, if you are a business owner, you may have no clue on what SEO really means and how it can help propel your company into higher profits. First off, SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization, is something that can make or break your company.
SEO is basically a set of rules that are governed by the advanced algorithms of today’s top search engines such as Google.com and Bing.com. SEO is what makes your business visible on the web, using optimization techniques to raise your rankings for better visibility. Without an SEO website, you will never be found online and that can cost you dearly.
To start, SEO is important more than ever as most businesses, bloggers, vloggers etc are all competing with one another. Search engines like Google and Bing are working non-stop serving millions of search results to millions of people every day. These people are looking for products, services, answers to questions, tutorials, you name it, its being searched.
If you are new to the topic of Search Engine Optimization, then a lot of this may sound a little difficult. It’s not something one can pick up right away and get on the first page of Google or Bing. It takes time, lots of it and a lot of practice to see what works and what does not work.
When someone performs a search on a Google, Bing or any other search engine, the order that the searches back back in are based on very complex algorithms that change on a constant basis. They are always changing to not only give you better results, but to also defeat black hat tactics, which are techniques used to abuse the search algorithms, giving others unfair advantages. Note, if you participate in black hat techniques, you will most likely get your website blacklisted.
When you look deep into SEO, it can be broken down to 2 forms that need to work with one another. The general term for these forms are Onsite SEO and Offsite SEO. Let’s take a look at what Onsite SEO is and how you will need to use it.
Onsite SEO refers to the optimizations you make to your website itself. Things such as page titles and descriptions, permanent link structures, breadcrumbs etc. Little things such as these can help boost your rankings in search results. Below are some of the most important tweaks you can make to get the process going on making your site SEO.
In simple terms, offsite SEO is basically getting backlinks and promotions to your site. This is where your networking skills come into play with others. Some promotion methods that can be used are as follows;
Offsite SEO is extremely important because engines like Google and Bing use their algorithms to locate links to your site from authoritative sites. The more authoritative the site, the better ranking you will get. Just remember though, it takes a good number of backlinks before you see any significant change in search rankings. The goal for offsite SEO is to build relationships with social media influencers, get mentions, backlinks and shout outs as much as possible to make your place within your industry.
Both Onsite and Offsite SEO are very important and both must be done for you to have a successful SEO campaign and to get ranked on the major search engines. One will not work without the other if you want full blown results.
In the past, all it took was some keywords on your site and a ton of backlinks, but now-a-days, it takes much more than that. Its not about a ton of backlinks, but a good amount of QUALITY backlinks and a highly optimized, fast website. This is the ONLY way to get ranked within the 1st to 5th pages on the major search engines. Good luck and happy optimizing!